Acne is an inflammatory condition of your oil glands.
It is estimated that 50 million Americans suffer from acne every year. Acne is not just a condition that affects teenagers, and an increasing number of adults experience acne as well. One study* showed that 50% of women in their twenties, 35% of women in their thirties, and 26% of women in their forties suffer from acne. Having acne does not mean that you are doing anything wrong, and it does not mean you are dirty. Acne is not contagious and you can't spread it or catch it.
*Collier C, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008. 58( 1): 56-59.
Our skin's natural oil, known as sebum, is one of the most important causes of acne. Not only with people acne make more sebum than non-acne sufferers, but also the quality of the sebum is different. People who suffer from acne have been shown to have high levels of squalene and low levels of linoleic acid in the sebum. When sebum comes in contact with environmental exposures like UV light, a process called lipid peroxidation occurs. Here, free radicals lead to the production of compounds known as squalene epoxides, which lead to inflammation and play a pivotal role in the development of acne.
Since linoleic acid is a building block for ceramides, which fill in cracks between skin cells, low levels of linoleic acid mean low levels of ceramides in the skin. This in term contributes to skin cells sticking together and blocking the pores.
High levels of sebum directly contribute to acne by building up in the pores, dilating the follicles, and allowing acne causing bacteria to grow to higher than normal levels.
Pappas A. Dermatoendocrinol. 2009 May-Jun; 1( 3): 157–161.
Acne is caused by multiple factors.
JORI Skincare was formulated with ingredients based on science.
JORI fights acne using ingredients generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) by the FDA. JORI's acne treatments are are compliant with the FDA's OTC Acne Drug Products Monograph. In addition, the formulas contain a proprietary blend of active botanicals, scientifically selected to address hormones, diet, and stress.
Botanical Ingredient Scientific Data:
DHT is the main hormone that binds to hormone receptors on your oil glands to increase oil production and inflammation around the follicles. In women, changing levels of hormones like DHT during the menstrual cycle contribute to breakouts. Saw Palmetto is a botanical extract that has been shown to balance the effects of DHT.
Grant, P et al. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Spring; 10( 2): 497–502.
Dedhia RC, et al. The Journal of Urology. 2008;179:2119–25.
Active Ingredient Scientific Data:
Salicylic Acid (SA) is a Beta-Hydroxy Acid that is recognized by the FDA to be safe and effective in treating acne. It is thought to work by removing excess oil and dead cells from the surface of the skin to keep the pores clear and dry out pimples. There is data to suggest that SA reduces skin inflammation in acne. As a hydroxy acid, SA also acts as a chemical exfoliator, dissolving connections between skin cells so they may be more easily shed by the skin.
SA can make the skin sun sensitive, so sun protective measures like sunscreen must be used.
Zander E, et al. Clin Ther . Mar-Apr 1992;14( 2):247-53.
Lu J, et al. Exp Dermatol . 2019 Jul;28( 7):786-794.